Sunday, July 09, 2006


Well, since the initial shock has worn off, I can announce what shocked me in the first place.

So Friday, Ziggy takes Scout to the hematologist at the Navy base. He was referred to them because his pediatrician couldn't nail down what was causing all these nosebleeds (despite meds and humidifiers) and all these bruises that he was keeping for so long. Now as to the bruising, I understand that 10 year old boys are going to bang up their legs. He played baseball, so I didn't think anything of it while he was playing. But he no longer plays. And these bruises were staying for weeks at a time. Thus we ended up a the hematologist. And I got a serious blow.

Scout has hemophilia. My baby(yea, he's 10, but he's my baby) has a clotting disorder. Type A, mild hemophilia. Meaning that now I want to treat him with kid gloves, all delicate like. But I am trying not to do that. We were given medication that we have to take with us when we travel, in case he gets hurt badly. He was told all of these sports that he can't participate in because of potential injury to him, like Tae Kwon Do(which he wanted to try this fall, since he gave up baseball). Supposedly it's mild, so it's not as though he has to wear padding and such. He's not nearly to the severity of one of the most famous sufferers of hemophilia, Alexei Romanov, the tsarevitch of Russia. That gives me some comfort.

So now I have to have MiniZiggy tested for it when he goes in for his 2 year appointment. And MiniMachine when she makes her appearance, will have to be tested as well. Who knows what this means for my pregnancy. Or for any other children that Ziggy and I have after this one. What really gets to me is that mothers are most often the carriers of the disorder, though never affected by it. Males are the most common people to suffer from it. Yippee. Note sarcasm in my enthusiasm. So part of me feels terrible that I, unknowingly, gave this to my son. Peachy. Just what a parent DOESN'T want to do to their kids, right?

So there ya go.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
