Friday, July 28, 2006

Hot summer

And it's even worse when heavily pregnant.

Beefcake got here......crazy as ever. Gotta love seeing friendly faces from back home.

I got to talk to my friend Chris Daugherty the other day. Always good times talking to him, he makes me laugh so much. I miss him and his family so much.

Ziggy's grandfather is getting sicker, apparently. Ziggy got a call from his brother, talking about how they have started hospice care for Gramps, and that he's got about 6 months to live. Gramps suffers from 2 types of cancer, one renal, and the other is leukemia. The treatment for the leukemia is so brutal that Gramps opted out of it. Hoapice care is for those who are terminally ill, which we knew Gramps was, but there wasn't a timetable attached to it or anything. This is upsetting to Ziggy, as he was raised by his grandparents. Ziggy will be devastated when Gramps dies, and I will have a basketcase on my hands........I love Ziggy to death, but I don't know if I can hold Ziggy together through this. I'll try......

30 weeks down, 9 to go in this pregnancy. I can hardly wait to be not pregnant anymore. MiniMachine is showing signs of wanting to come early, and as long as she waits until after 36 weeks, things should be fine. I go to the doctor again on Monday, so we'll see if they shorten my work hours any more or not. I have another ultrasound next week, too, so we'll see.....

I applied to crosstrain jobs in the Air Force. Not holding my breath that it will happen, but we'll see....

That's about it for now....

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

Good luck right now...bu just think, in just a few more weeks (10 for you), we'll be able to share an adult beverage, as well as an adult conversation! :-)

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
