Monday, July 24, 2006

Gracious I need to update

Well, since I've been dreadfully behind, here's an update....

1. 30 weeks gestation have arrived, 9 to go. I am very ready to get my body back.

2. 280 days left in the Air Force, barring some miracle.

3. Beefcake has made it to the Langley area, always good to see friendly faces from home.

4. Ziggy and I painted MiniZiggy and MiniMachine's room last night. Second coat to go on today, get them moved into the room by the end of the week.

5. I bought myself a little Jeep to ride around town in, go to beach and get sandy in. Ziggy already has plans for modifications. Nothing overly drastic, though.

6. I FINALLY passed a test in my Microbiology class. Made me feel so good. Also gives me a glimmer of hope that I may actually be able to pass, if only by the seat of my pants.

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

Awesome on the jeep...I'm looking at getting one when I get back!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
