Friday, June 24, 2005

I'm still here

My Psych teacher, good grief. My Psych teacher wanted me to call him about some of the assignments for the class. What happens when I call? He wants to know where I am, what the weather's like (um, it's Iraq and it's is an understatement), etc......

So I am still here, which is ok, I guess. My teacher was asking me why I am so eager to get all of my classwork done early, and to be quite honest, it keeps my mind off the fact I'm in Iraq. Movies, books, all of it, tend to make you forget, even for a small amount of time, that you are in a combat zone and that the people outside the base wish you would die or leave. So, anything to distract me, I consider a good thing.

It seems like people back in the States are oblivious to the fact that the armed forces are actually getting shot at over here. It's not as though it's not all over the news every day, insurgent attacks and convoys getting attacked. So why do people think we're over here on summer vacation or something? Believe me, Iraq is NOT where I'd be spending my summer vacation if it was my choice.........somewhere a good bit less hostile, me and Vin get the idea......NOT IRAQ.

So I am still missing Ziggy and the kids........I am so ready to go home.


Machine said...

Hang in there Eskimo - you're doing great. Deployments can really suck, since I've done 3 to the Middle East myself, in addition to doing 4 remotes so far. You're kicking ass and taking names!

Crazy Girl City said...


AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
