Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oh yea!!

Finals are over, and I am enjoying some much needed time off from school. Feels good to recharge and not worry about classes or deadlines for a bit.

My car is officially registered, so I can now consider myself completely moved and adjusted to England. YAY!!!!

Scout starts back to school Monday, I am soooo glad.

MiniZiggy is making good progress on potty training, which is very encouraging. MiniMachine does well enough for a 2 year old, I don't expect her to achieve perfection at just 2 years old. She's so funny when she goes in the bathroom to potty, she has a little song that she has to sing when she pulls her pull-up down, and one for when she pulls it back up. So funny!!!

Her birthday is Wednesday, and next weekend is her party. I can hardly wait, it's going to be so cute with the party stuff I bought her!!!...

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
