Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Creepy fans and frustration

My writing alter ego has managed to gather some fans, I suppose. Usually when I'm asked for pictures and other personal items like that, I refuse, because, quite honestly my writing pseudonym is a persona, not as whole personality....It's an aspect of me, not all of me, and I guess not everyone sees that. But anyways, bottom line is this, someone found me. As in found my house, and showed up on my doorstep last week. Which was ok until yesterday, when this person sat outside my house for a while, waiting for me to walk outside. CREEPY!

Frustration.....I'm currently in a situation where I've previously chafed under certain things taking place, but now it's just gotten incredibly uncomfortable. I won't go into details, but just want to vent a bit that the frustration keeps building, and I worry that when it reaches the breaking point, it will get ugly, and quite honestly I'd rather head that type of thing off at the pass, and save myself any further frustration, if possible.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
