Saturday, February 23, 2008


We found a house, YAY!!!!!! In the village of Littleport, which is the birthplace of the father of the name Harley, in Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. Neat, huh? It's brand new, 4 bedrooms, nice kitchen, a 1 car garage with a driveway, a backyard(garden, as they call it here). We won't move in for a couple weeks, but that's ok, I'm just glad we found somewhere to live. Now all I have to do is wait for our stuff to get here. I can't wait to have my own things finally. This living-on-borrowed-stuff is annoying to me.

School is going relatively well. Having to rely on the library and the community center for internet access is a bit trying, but I am managing as well as I can. I had to order a new charger for my laptop, as the one that came with it finally took a poo on me. Ugh.......

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
