Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Current Happenings

Well, come to find out, I can't take my cats with me to England when I leave. They have to stay here and have some lab work done and some paperork processed before they can head over there. Apparently the UK has some of the hardest rules for bringing pets into the country.

Still trying to get visas and such taken care of. This whole move has been nothing but one big cluster, from the get-go.

My grandmother and sister were here for a couple days, it was great to see them.

Scout turned 12, and I am still looking for him a present......I hate having to wait until payday to get him something.

School is going relatively well, nice change of pace from last semester......

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey, I know it's been a while but I'd like to catch up before you leave for good. Sorry it's been so long but I was really hurt the way things went down. call me or shoot me an email, it's all still the same.


AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
