Sunday, December 30, 2007

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go......

Yeaaaaaa, not so much. It's 9:33PM as I type this, and I am supposed to be packing to leave for Washington State with MiniZiggy and MiniMachine. So far, just their suitcase is packed. I never procrastinate like this......I need to download more to my MP3 player for the flight. MiniZiggy is all kinds of getting on my nerves, it's going to be a VERY long flight.

I am resolved to lose 20 pounds, and get as close to finishing my degree as I can. I will also write more letters and stories.

I hate flying. I'm not afraid of it, I just hate doing it. But, it's the fastest way to get places, so I do it.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
