Monday, October 01, 2007

Well, it's official

We aren't moving to Germany. Since the medical clinic where we were going is closing, the Air Force opted to keep us at home. Atleast until they decide to send us somewhere else. We are back in the bucket of people to be selected to move. This doesn't really bother me, as long as it's not to Georgia or California.

My mother called yesterday, worried about Scout, because 'you hear so much on the news here(Georgia) about Buddhists getting arrested and violence. I know it's not right for him to believe that. I didn't raise you that way.' At which point, I hung up on her. I am beyond tired of hearing the same things over and over again from her. I have long since lost the patience for dealing with it.

School is running me ragged. I took on too much this semester, but I have to handle it now and get through the best that I can.

I took a second job, much steadier pay. I work in a diet clinic, giving shots, drawing blood. It's nice to be back in the field I loved. I am sure that I will be getting a lecture from my insurance manager, but I don't really care. He has nothing but negative to say most of the time as it is.

BTW, Happy Birthday to Eunuch! His 31st birthday is today!

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AFeskimo and Ziggy
