Thursday, July 19, 2007

Why I went Gothic

I get asked that question alot, here of late. Why's my hair two different colors, and why do I wear gothic eyeliner? Well kids, gather 'round and get comfy, and I shall explain.......
The answer to the first question is relatively easy. I was in the military for 6 years, and had to follow regulation(with loopholes big enough to drive semi's through, for some people) with regard to hair, makeup, etc. Well, I conformed for 6 years. Time to do what I want with my hair. I've always liked the Rogue look, from XMen, so I decided to wear mine like that as well. On the other hand, if you want a more 'personal' answer, I have only just gotten the confidence to wear my personality on the outside, rather than hide it.
The eyeliner. Gothic, by many standards, de rigeur for the women in my biological family. But for me, it's more of my personality creeping out. For a long time I have always felt the need to compartmentalize my personality, my tastes, etc. Once I got out of the military, and had to define myself all over again, as the military no longer had the control over that, I have been letting myself free. Why Gothic? Because it's what I relate to. I have a deep dark side. I have a wild streak. And they both show in my hair. I guess I just changed my sppearance to look like what's inside....

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
