Thursday, March 01, 2007

What I'm taking, what I'll leave behind.......

When I was a senior in high school, we all filled out a 'last will and testament'. When I got divorced, I had two stacks of things; what I was keeping, and what I was getting rid of. Now that I am at the end of my time in the Air Force, I will let my readers in on what I'm taking with me, and whatI'm leaving behind from 6 years in the Air Force, in no particular order....

The knowledge that no matter how hard I work......there will be time to work on it tomorrow. I will always think of my TI, TSgt King, when I walk across a crosswalk. Always be flexible. Things will get done, regardless of deadlines. Don't think of things in terms of problems, rather as solutions. Problems are easily known, solutions require thought. I take with me the work ethic I learned at the knee of MSgt Kip Phillippe, 'Work til we're done, then we can drink beer!' How to pack for airports. The ability to sleep pretty much anywhere, in any surroundings. Memories of riding four-wheelers and camping in Alaska. My best friend, Chris. My marriage to Mason, and our children. From Mr. Johnson, the confidence to take on anyone, regardless of rank, age or position. The memories of my soulmate, Stephen.

I leave behind.....all of those who said I'd never make it through my enlistment. Everyone who said I'd never make it outside of Georgia. And those who said Mason and I would never make it.

THere are few people I will miss, but I am glad to be leaving alot of folks behind. I learned alot, learned a bit about myself and the world. Time to move on....


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