Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oh what fun it is to Yamaha!!

As promised, here is MiniMachine in her outfit on Halloween. I thought she looked adorable. Ziggy believes she looks like me, but I don't see it myself. I love the embroidery on her pants, embroidery just makes clothes a little fancier, I

Here is myself with MiniMachine. Enjoy, as I don't often post pics of myself. I know, I know, I need to lose the baby weight. I'm working on it.

Now, Ziggy and I went riding yesterday with some friends. There were 5 of us total, and more than enough mud to go around. It was the first time I'd been riding in a year. I am sore, I was dead tired, but it was great.

We got my machine stuck for the first time ever.......I ride a 2003 Yamaha Wolverine, with full time 4 wheel drive, but it's not got the heavy weight of a full size 4 wheel drive machine. Anyways, it got stuck the first time, and I managed to get it out. No biggie, right? Then Ziggy says, "Hey let me ride your machine through that big mud puddle." I had refused to ride through it, as I didn't want to sink in the mud. So Ziggy gets on, and sure enough, my wheeler got stuck. I mean deep stuck. 3 wheels spinning in liquid mud kind of stuck. We snapped my tie strap trying to pull it out with Ziggy's machine. So then one of our friends decides to go back to his truck and get the big tie strap. In that time he was gone, someone rode up on a full size 4x4 machine, and used his winch to pull my machine out. Here's an idea of what my machine looked like in that mud........ever seen the movie 'Never Ending Story?' Remember the horse sinking in the mud?? There ya go.......

Ok, here's another pic.....

The black one is my machine, the yellow is Ziggy's. This was shortly after the big stuck in the mud bit. We had a great time.........made me feel much better.

Speaking of how I'm feeling, I am feeling better, much more like myself. Ziggy and I talked and decided that maybe I needed to get help for how I was feeling. So I went to the doc, and got some meds. And I made an appointment for some professional coping techniques help. I am learning that I don't have to take on the whole world(yes, Other, I am learning that), that I don't have to decide everything about school and career right now. I can take some time off and relax and see what we want to do. I have been running myself into the ground lately, and I need to stop. I am coming to the realization that I can't change the way things have gone for me in the Air Force, and that I need to take a step back and enjoy the family. Ziggy and I are spending more time together without the kids, and things, as of right now, are looking much rosier than they were a couple weeks ago.......

So for those who were concerned about me, I am doing better. I am getting through this period of my life, and hopefully will not be on meds forever. I don't want to be one of those people who can't function normally without the medication.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
