Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm back

Yep, I made it back to civilization a couple days ago. You know, I had always heard about the whole 'culture shock' thing from being deployed, but hadn't really believed it......until now. I have never felt more like a fish out of water in my entire life. Almost like I am a visitor in my own house. When you inprocess back into your home station after a deployment, they tell you to ease yourself back into the home routine. Yea...not sure that's working. But granted, it's only been 2 days. You know, Other told me that I wouldn't miss being at Balad, or being deployed, and I am going to have to differ with him on that one. Atleast when I was deployed, I knew what the routine was, what my function was. And now I don't. SO yes, I miss being deployed a bit, cause I'm feeling a bit of an identity crisis happening here.

More to come

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's standard coming home stuff hon, you'll get back in the swing of things soon enough. just remember what it was like right when you deployed. same same.

glad you are home safe & sound though!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
