Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sassy Chassy

My sister is pregnant, as I've mentioned before. But apparently things aren't going as well as anyone would hope. Apparently she has a huge fibroid on her uterus, and one of the docs was a real ass about it. That one told her that she's never going to carry the baby to full term, and never should have concieved in the first place. On top of that, he told her that if they treat her for the fibroid, she'll miscarry anyways, and have to have a full hysterectomy regardless. So she's suitably freaked out. And I hate it for her, and I wish I could help her. Pregnancy is crazy enough when it's a normal pregnancy, complications only stress people out even more.

So she goes back to the doctor today, and I gave her some questions to ask, so that she has some idea of what to expect, and what her options may be. I am hoping that things go as well as they possibly can, and she can have a healthy baby. She really wants this baby, and I know she would positively go to pieces if she ends up losing it.

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