Thursday, May 15, 2008


My car is here, YAY!!! I took the little people to Asda yesterday (English version of Wal Mart), just to see what was to be seen. Cheaper than shopping on the rest of the economy, I'll say.

Now, I don't proclaim to be the perfect or ideal wife. Far from it. I admit to having been part of the "harem" of a friend of mine. But I can say with all honesty that I am glad those days are over. The friend is still a friend, and better off that way. Part of me thinks that ultimately, that friend wants his past to be known by the one closest to him. Why? Perhaps it is to breathe easier, knowing that things don't have to be hidden anymore. Or maybe to bring the consequences on, knowing that ultimately, they may be the best for everyone. Sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission, as the saying goes. I don't know what the thought process is, honestly, so I am just speculating. But it is something that has made me wonder for a while now.

I am getting a new sewing machine. It's fancy-shmancy and does the free motion quilting that I have wanted to start doing. Now, if I can just find the blocks to Ziggy's quilt, I'll be all set. Then I can finish Ziggy's quilt, and get going on other projects I have waiting. It will be here on Friday, and it's being delivered from west of London. I got it on an absolute steal, even by US standards, as these machines usually cost double the price.

My princess, Mini-Machine, is potty training. And at the rate she's going, will be potty trained before Mini-Ziggy. I don't know what has gotten into the child, he's as lazy as can be about going to the potty. Mini-Machine? She freaked out the other night because she'd gotten out of the bathtub, and didn't make it to the potty in time, and wet herself a little. Poor little thing was all upset, too, crying like crazy. Her personality has really come out more in the last few weeks. She's a spunky little thing, and is just so cute. She has charmed one of Ziggy's co-workers. From Day 1, she's walked up to him and demanded he hold her, and he complies. It's so funny. She is all over him any time she sees him, like she's known him all her life. His wife and I joke that a cute blonde is after her husband.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
