Friday, June 22, 2007

Yuck, work

I put a good bit of effort into my job, and very little pay in return. This is very frustrating, to say the least.

Would you believe that Ziggy brought up the idea of me going back into the military? I was a bit floored at that one. So yea, back on the job hunt, if only to collect unemployment bennies. Something's got to give.

We can only take 2 critters to Germany with us. So Charlie is definitely going, and I am thinking that Bandit may the other one.

I am going to look into property management this week, and see what goes into it, so that maybe just maybe, we won't have to sell our house. Ziggy is looking at it from the opposite direction, and seeing dollar signs from the sale of our home. IF it sells at all. The house a couple doors down took a while to sell. And I dread that happening to us. I am of 2 minds about selling the house, and Ziggy knows it.

MiniMachine was sitting up in her crib this morning when Ziggy went in to wake her. We don't know how long it took her to get that way, but there she was!!! She's getting so big!!

Alright, I am off to get things done today!

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
