Monday, May 21, 2007

Going in circles

I have pet peeves just like the next person. One of them is when my husband comes home and tries to tell me how to conduct my day. I set my days up to where I know I am getting things handled. I pace myself as much as I can. I can do very well without being told how to do things.

Another of my peeves is being talked to as though I do nothing all day, so therefore I have to be given things to do. Yea. How do you think he has clean clothes to wear everyday, clean dishes to eat off of, etc? Well it's sure as hell NOT the merry maids coming in and doing things. I understand that money is tight. I totally get that. But when I go do things that are FREE, don't bitch at me over it. I am not a homebody. Get used to it. You've known this for 4 and a half years. Oh, and when I apply for work, don't bitch that it's not full time, anything is better than nothing. I am trying. So sit down and shut up.

I got to ride a Harly for the first time this past weekend. My uncle rode up for the weekend, and I got to ride on the back as we went out and did some things with the family. Good times.

School this semester? Well, I may as well have taken classes in person, al lthe time I will be spending at the campus taking tests. This isn't one of my favorite professors, either. Matter of fact, I basically loathe this one, as she talks down to all the students.

Still trying to get GI Bill crap finished, and the whole process would go much better if I wasn't getting pressure from home to hurry up and get money yesterday. Yea.......

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