Sunday, February 11, 2007


I have Shortitis. Meaning I am short on time left in the Air Force. Oh yea.......not that my job is overly busy all the time, but here lately I have been doing a whole lot of nothing to do with my job. I've surfed the web for jobs. I've shopped Ebay until even I got bored with it( and that's a LOT, considering how much I love EBay).

I really should get my butt in gear and start planning my party. I want one of those fabulous cakes from Charm City Cakes in Baltimore, but they are hella expensive. Maybe for my birthday. I'm inviting a bunch of folks for my party. I ought to put together my guest list this week.

SO I am going to a bridal shower for Kat next weekend. Ziggy is making me go because I am in the wedding. I kid you not, the invitation to the shower states that the couple isn't registered anywhere, but cash and gift cards are appreciated. OMG, how rude! I mean damn.....this is the THIRD time Kat's been married, good grief! Why the hell have a shower anyways? She lives with the man as it is. Not like they haven't got the house fitted out already.

So I go to lunch Friday with my friend Graf. Graf has beaten cancer, and we were celebrating. So I'm chatting Graf up about Other and his dramatics.......come to find out, Graf knows Other's woman. And had absolutely nothing good to say about her. This is becoming a pattern with the folks I have met that know her.

Soo, 77 days until I am out. Less than 30 until I go on terminal leave. That starts 9 March.

My father-in-law will be here in 2 weeks. Lord help me, the kids are going to be spoiled beyond help. But my house will be clean. My father-in-law is a SERIOUS neatnick............

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
